Molecular Dynamics Simulation  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "CLIParser.h"
3 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
4 #include <limits>
6 #include "io/logger/Logger.h"
7 #include "spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h"
9 CLIParams parse_arguments(int argc, char* argsv[]) {
10  std::filesystem::path input_file_path;
11  std::string log_level;
12  std::string log_output;
14  bool fresh = false;
16  // choosing 0 as one of the parameters (end_time, delta_t, fps, video_length) is equivalent to choosing the default value
17  boost::program_options::options_description options_desc("Allowed options");
18  options_desc.add_options()("help,h", "produce help message");
19  options_desc.add_options()(
20  "input_file_path,f", boost::program_options::value<std::filesystem::path>(&input_file_path),
21  "The path to the input file. Must be specified, otherwise the program will terminate. Can be inserted as positional argument.");
22  options_desc.add_options()("log_level,l", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&log_level)->default_value("info"),
23  "The log level. Possible values: trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off");
24  options_desc.add_options()(
25  "log_output", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&log_output)->default_value("std"),
26  "You can only choose between the output options std(only cl output) and file (only file output). Default: no file output");
27  options_desc.add_options()(
28  "fresh", boost::program_options::bool_switch(&fresh)->default_value(false),
29  "Rerun the simulation from scratch without using any cached data. This will delete the whole output directory.");
31  boost::program_options::positional_options_description positional_options_desc;
32  positional_options_desc.add("input_file_path", -1);
34  boost::program_options::variables_map variables_map;
35  boost::program_options::store(
36  boost::program_options::command_line_parser(argc, argsv).options(options_desc).positional(positional_options_desc).run(),
37  variables_map);
38  boost::program_options::notify(variables_map);
40  if (log_output == "std" || log_output == "STD") {
41  Logger::logger->info("Log output: std");
42  } else if (log_output == "file" || log_output == "FILE") {
44  Logger::logger->info("Log output: file");
45  } else {
46  std::cout << "Error: Invalid log output given. Options: no file output: 'std' and file output: 'file'" << std::endl;
47  exit(-1);
48  }
50  Logger::update_level(log_level);
52  if (argc <= 1 || variables_map.count("help")) {
53  std::stringstream help_message;
54  help_message << options_desc << std::endl;
55  Logger::logger->info(help_message.str());
56  exit(-1);
57  }
58  if (!variables_map.count("input_file_path")) {
59  Logger::logger->error("No input file path given.");
60  std::stringstream help_message;
61  help_message << options_desc << std::endl;
62  Logger::logger->info(help_message.str());
63  exit(-1);
64  }
66  return CLIParams{input_file_path, fresh};
67 }
69 SimulationParams merge_parameters(const CLIParams& params_cli, const std::optional<SimulationParams>& file_params) {
70  if (!file_params) {
71  Logger::logger->warn("No simulation parameters provided. Try using a XML file as input.");
72  throw std::runtime_error("No simulation parameters provided. Try using a XML file as input.");
73  }
75  SimulationParams params = *file_params;
77  // Update the parameters with the ones from the command line
78  params.fresh = params_cli.fresh;
80  return params;
81 }
CLIParams parse_arguments(int argc, char *argsv[])
Parses the command line arguments.
Definition: CLIParser.cpp:9
SimulationParams merge_parameters(const CLIParams &params_cli, const std::optional< SimulationParams > &file_params)
Merges the simulation parameters retrieved via the command line with the ones from the XML file....
Definition: CLIParser.cpp:69
static void update_level(std::string &log_level)
Sets the log level of the logger.
Definition: Logger.cpp:48
static std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > init_logger(LogType log_type=LogType::STD)
Initializes the logger.
Definition: Logger.cpp:23
static std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > logger
Publically accessible shared pointer to the logger.
Definition: Logger.h:35
Contains all parameters needed to run a simulation.
bool fresh
Flag to indicate whether the simulation should be run from scratch, or whether cached data should be ...
bool fresh
Definition: CLIParams.h:14